Implant denture over an integrated bar .

The implant denture over an integrated bar is  good option for the patients who need complete denture.This type of implant denture is a breakthrough in cutting edge technology offered at Smile Curve Dental Clinic, Indore.Such dentures are  lasting & durable.A Titanium or Nickel chrome bar is used to support the denture.The steps involved in it  is simple.It can be fabricated in a shorter time span.Two steps are involved.One is Surgical in which dentist places implants in the jawbone.In second step the teeth placement starts.In between two steps ,six months waiting time is involved.Procedure is usually painless.The result obtained are great.Sometimes in between two stages an intermediate temporary denture is also provided.Unlike conventional removable denture this denture is fixed in the jaw. It is fully serviceable.One will be able to eat properly with this.It helps to restore the jaw bones also.It is very strong since it is supported over a rigid bar.Breakage is usually not possible.One can eat most of the soft & hard eatables with this denture.This bar is not visible once the denture is fixed.It is easy to maintain also.Much easier then your natural teeth.It is a good option for those edentulous persons who are in need of lasting & sturdy denture.


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